
艺术家 | Artist


普拉迪普·马尔德(Pradip Malde)于1957年出生于坦桑尼亚的阿鲁沙。他的父母是移民到东非的印度裔,在坦桑尼亚拥有了优渥的生活后,在1970年代动荡蔓延至该地区后逃离。从那时起,他便开始关注“失去”和“归属感”,他认为手工制品像一种薄膜,通过这层膜,那些明确的、不可改变的东西引领着我们进入更可变的领域,像是意义和记忆。






他的作品现收藏于芝加哥艺术学院博物馆、普林斯顿大学博物馆、伦敦维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆、耶鲁大学博物馆和爱丁堡的苏格兰国家肖像馆等机构。马尔德最近被阿巴拉契亚学院协会任命为学院研究员(2018-19年),以及古根海姆研究员(2018年)。马尔德正为此工作,并准备一本关于女性生殖器切割的摄影集,那些"表面上看似露骨,但睁大双眼看,正是关乎失去与牺牲 "。

Pradip Malde was born in Arusha, Tanzania in 1957. His parents are the children of Indians who emigrated to East Africa, and after having established a privileged life in Tanzania, fled from the turmoil that spread through that region in the 1970s. Concerned about loss and belonging since then, he has come to think of artifacts as membranes, where what may be explicit and immutable begins to lead us into the more mutable realms of meaning and memory.


He studied photography at what is now the Arts University of Bournemouth, England, and completed a MA at the Glasgow School of Art in Scotland in 1979. He moved to Orkney, Scotland in 1980. It was there that he began to research and learn how to make platinum/palladium prints, which led to a set of extensive collaborations with the Imogen Cunningham Trust, the Margrethe Mather Estate, and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, among others.


Malde is a photographer and professor at the University of the South, Sewanee, TN, where he is the co-director of the Haiti Institute. Much of his work considers the experience of loss and how it serves as a catalyst for regeneration. He is currently working in rural communities in Haiti, Tanzania and Tennessee, designing models for community development through photography.


His works are held in the collections of Museum of the Art Institute, Chicago; Princeton University Museum; Victoria & Albert Museum, London, Yale University Museum and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, Edinburgh, among others. Malde has recently been appointed as a Faculty Fellow by the Appalachian College Association (2018-19), and a Guggenheim Fellow (2018), for both of which Malde is completing work and preparing a book of photographs about female genital cutting, that “looks askance at the explicit but, with widened eyes, directly at loss and sacrifice”.