
艺术家 | Artist


1947年,六岁的碧姬·卡诺尚(Brigitte Carnochan)从德国移民到美国。在那里她爱上了芭蕾舞并且梦想成为一名舞者,然而,她并没有成为职业舞者,而是成为了一名高中教师,后来又成为一所大学的英语教师,并开始喜欢上了园艺。1996年左右,她因为早期对摄影的爱好,最终决定从事摄影事业。她对舞蹈的兴趣和园艺很自然地凝聚在了她的拍摄主题上: 身体和花朵的美丽。

约翰·伍德(John Wood)在Brigitte Carnochan的书《Floating》的序言中写道。

她的作品以感性、美丽和工艺为特点,这三个特点在奄奄一息的当代艺术世界中是罕见的。爱神和卡洛斯,情欲和美丽,这两种处于人类幸福与激情的中心,也是她艺术视野的中心。布丽吉特-卡诺坎的摄影作品在全国范围内被代理,并在全球范围内被博物馆、企业和私人收藏。她在拉脱维亚、意大利、智利和香港以及纽约、休斯顿、波士顿、帕洛阿尔托、洛杉矶、圣达菲、凯奇、伍德斯托克、阿尔布开克、卡梅尔和旧金山等地举办过个人展览。她有五本已出版的作品专集《Bella Figura》,2006Modernbook出版社;《Shining Path》2006年,21世纪出版社;《Floating World》,2012年,哈德逊山出版社;《Imagining Then》;2012年,卡梅尔摄影艺术中心;《Carmel》《Brigitte Carnochan》2014年,Vevais出版社)。多年来,她也在加州大学圣克鲁斯分校和斯坦福大学的‘Extension Program’计划中教授讲习班和课程。她在圣菲的中心和卡梅尔的摄影艺术中心顾问委员会。加州的摄影艺术中心。 她最近的展览是在明尼苏达街2021年11月至12月。更多信息可以在她的网站上找到:brigittecarnochan.com

In 1947, at the age of six, Brigitte Carnochan immigrated from Germany to the United States, where she fell in love with ballet and the idea of being a dancer. Instead of making a career of dance, however, she became a high school and later university teacher of English with a love of gardening. Around 1996 her earlier interest in photography culminated in a decision to make a second career of photography. Her interest in dance and gardening rather naturally coalesced in her primary subject matters: the formal beauty of bodies and flowers.

John Wood writes in the introduction of Brigitte Carnochan’s book, Floating World, “...her work is marked by sensuality, beauty, and craftsmanship, three characteristics rare in the moribund world of contemporary art. Eros and kalos, the erotic and the beautiful, those two passions at the center of human happiness, also lie at the center of her artistic vision.”

Brigitte Carnochan’s photographs are represented nationally and collected globally by museums, corporate and private collectors. She has had solo exhibitions in Latvia, Italy, Chile, and Hong Kong as well as in New York, Houston, Boston, Palo Alto, Los Angeles, Santa Fe, Ketchum, Woodstock, Albuquerque, Carmel and San Francisco. There are five published monographs of her work (Bella Figura, 2006 Modernbook Editions; Shining Path 2006, 21st Publications; Floating World, 2012 Hudson Hills Press;Imagining Then, 2012, Center for Photographic Art, Carmel; Brigitte Carnochan, 2014 Edition Vevais). For many years she taught workshops and classes through the Extension Program at UC Santa Cruz and Stanford’s Continuing Studies Program. She is on the Advisory Councils of Center, in Santa Fe and The Center for Photographic Art in Carmel, CA. Her latest exhibition was at Themes + Projects Gallery at the Minnesota Street Project in San Francisco, November-December 2021.

More information can be found on her website: brigittecarnochan.com.