
艺术家 | Artist


瑞士摄影师Annette Golaz试验了各种19世纪的摄影工艺,如胶、铂/钯、盐纸和蓝晒。她深入研究了用植物调色的青色照片,并开发了一种三色青色照片工艺。Golaz为Christina Z. Anderson的《青色印刷》一书做出了贡献,并且是《蓝晒印相工艺的》一书的作者。使用蓝晒展现植物 "一书的作者,该书是Routledge关于手工影像工艺的系列。她在挑战极限,例如使用20年前的苹果数码设备,像素仅有30万。2020年,她在纽约Soho摄影画廊举办的Krappy Kamera®比赛中获得三等奖。

她画画已经有很多年的时间了,但今天摄影成为了她的首选表达方式。Alt Processes是两种艺术形式的完美结合。她曾在瑞士和美国展出了她的作品。Golaz是一名教师和记者,从事教授蓝晒印相工艺讲习班。她也是瑞士一家烹饪书籍出版社的摄影主管和一家食品杂志的编辑。

Swiss photographer Annette Golaz experiments with a variety of 19th century photographic processes like gum, platinum/palladium, salted paper and cyanotype printing. She researched the toning of cyanotypes with botanicals in depth and developed a tricolor cyanotype process. Golaz has contributed to Christina Z. Anderson’s Cyanotype book and is the author of the book “Cyanotype Toning: Using Botanicals to Tone Blueprints Naturally” in the same Routledge series on Contemporary Practices in Alternative Process Photography. She is also pushing boundaries when using more modern outdated cameras, for example a 20-year old Apple digital device with 0.3 megapixels. In 2020 she did win third price in the Krappy Kamera® Competition by the Soho Photo Gallery, New York.

She has painted for years but today photography is her preferred medium. Alt Processes are the perfect blend of the two art forms. She has exhibited her work in Switzerland and the USA. She teaches tricolor cyanotype workshops. Golaz is a teacher and journalist by training, she is head of photography of a Swiss publishing house for cookery books and is the editor of a food magazine.