
艺术家 | Artist


Lynette 曾就读于墨尔本大学维多利亚艺术学院,使用设备是一个二手 Mamiya 双反相机,Lynette对摄影的热爱使她开启了她的摄影生涯 。现在已经跨越了近三十年,她积累了各种各样的商业和艺术摄影作品。她的一系列作品曾在国家和国际出版物上发表,并获得了无数奖项。她还获得了无数教学奖项,包括三项澳大利亚国家奖。作为澳大利亚摄影界长期受人尊敬的成员之一,Lynette 的主要表现作品是使用宝丽来转印。然而,随着宝丽来的消亡,她的注意力现在集中在历史中的工艺上,每个都有其独特的特征、真实性和细微差别。她的图像通过独特的色彩和光线运用展现出精湛的绘画品质。

Lynette enrolled in art school with nothing but a second hand Mamiya twin lens and an insatiable love for photography Lynette launched her photography career – this now spans almost three decades. She has amassed a diverse portfolio of commercial and fine art photography. Her work has featured in a range of national and international publications achieving numerous awards. She has also been the recipient of numerous teaching awards including three Australian National awards. A longstanding and respected member of Australia’s photographic community, Lynette’s main expressive works were using Polaroid transfers. However, with the demise of Polaroid her attention is now focussed on a myriad of historical processes, where the image is finite, each with its own particular character, veracity and nuances. Her images display a masterful, painterly quality with a unique use of colour and light.